Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Day 50 12/05/2011 Katherine Gorge to Edith Falls.

Day 50 12/05/2011 Katherine Gorge to Edith Falls.
Oh my gosh, today I told the children no more illness, no burns no rashes and no more infected ears.  During last night Zac woke me up (and everyone else and probably half the caravan park) because he had an ear ache. With the help of Panadol I managed to convince him that he wasn’t dying and he eventually went back to sleep.
So this morning just for something different because we had already checked our Katherine A&E we headed off to the local GP.  Zac was diagnosed with an ear infection and given oral and ear antibiotics!!   

Where we swam - Zac watching Claudia and Callum in the

After resolving our latest medical drama we headed to Edith Falls.  Edith Falls is only a short drive from Katherine, approximately 70kms so we arrived in time for lunch and to check out bush walk options.  We learnt that Edith falls like everywhere else in the Top End has been affected by the long and heavy wet season and because of this the main walk was still under water and the main swimming hole was not open for swimming as it hadn’t been cleared of salt water crocodile’s.  We were advised to take the walk to the Upper Pool for our afternoon swim. 
Edith Falls!!

The walk was easy and we were soon able to see a most magnificent waterfall and a very inviting water hole.  Without too much encouragement Claudia, Callum and I got in and enjoyed a very relaxing swim.  The water was initially cool but comfortable to swim in and there was a little rapid that we could all swim through.  Zac sat with Pete on the bank watching as the doctor had been very clear he was not to get his ear wet.  Missing out on this swim felt very unfair to Zac!!
The walk to the Upper Pool gave us the opportunity to check out the area from two lookouts and we could see where the Edith River cuts her way through the sandstone creating plunge pools and cascading waterfalls.  We are certainly looking forward to adventuring more tomorrow.
Our awesome swimming hole at Edith Falls!!

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