Saturday, 28 May 2011

Day 64 26/05/2011 Katherine – Big Horse Creek Campground (Gregory National Park)

Day 64 26/05/2011 Katherine – Big Horse Creek Campground (Gregory National Park)
Today was fix the car day, all was quiet within our camp, we got up early and I deposited Pete and the kids at the pool by 8am with food, swimmers and games.  We had nowhere else to wait whilst the car was at the auto electrician’s.  I drove the car and caravan into town and then walked back to Pete and the kids.  To say it was a long wait is an understatement!!  It was a little cold to swim but to fill in time we did, thank goodness for warm showers. 
Victoria River - we camped just up river from this bridge
By lunch time we decided to walk the 2 – 3 kms back to the car and caravan so that we could make lunch, even the kids were over snack bars. With grumbling children and the sun warming up we headed off hoping that the car and caravan were fixed. Unbelievable, just as we walked into the front yard of the auto electrician’s the mobile rang and it was them telling us everything was fixed and we were OK to continue on the adventure!!!(stimulas tour)  Unreal, fabulous and awesome.  We headed off straight away stopping for lunch a little down the road.  We hadn’t decided where we would stay tonight but after chatting with some other travellers we decided to head to Big Horse Creek Campground, apparently this campground is in the Gregory NP and situated on the Victoria River. 
We found the campground no problems, late in the afternoon, just in time for a quick fish, dinner and bed!!

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