Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Day 139 09/08/2011 Streaky Bay

Day 139 09/08/2011 Streaky Bay
Yeah the sun was trying her hardest to break through the clouds, so as a response we decided to stay another night and go exploring!!  I also did a huge amount of washing and was hoping that it would dry happily in the cool breeze.  We made a picnic lunch and headed off to Cape Bauer and the Blowholes and Whistling Rocks (again don’t think Kiama Blowholes).

Cape Bauer

Just as we were leaving the sun retreated back behind the clouds and we heard the gentle pitter patter of rain on the car roof. It was not looking good for our day of exploring the coastline.  We arrived at the first stop, Hally’s Beach, here we met some very chatty fishermen who were hoping to catch some salmon.  They had been fishing for a few days but advised that they had not been very successful.  The beach was stunning, white sand and beautiful turquoise water, the water even sort of looked inviting except that it was only about 12 degrees and the sun had remained hidden behind the dark grey clouds.  We could also see a huge storm front coming our way so we headed back to the car and on to the next stop, Whistling Rocks and Blowholes. 

Streaky Bay

Whistling Rocks was an intriguing phenomenon as the water rushed up onto the limestone rocks and into the cracks and crevices it really did sound as if the rocks were whistling!!  The Blowholes was again nothing close to what we expected, I guess we have been spoilt with Kiama Blowhole!!  Small holes in limestone rocks shooting up small burst or water aren’t really a blowhole.  The information boards also advised that these waters were frequently inhabited by seals, and that they could be seen frolicking on the rock below!! Well the seals must have all been inside with their heaters on because we did not see any.  We did though get rained on as we walked briskly back to the car.  It appeared that the sun had tricked us and she wasn’t coming out again today.  Based on this we decided to head back to the caravan, bring in the washing and play board games.
After lunch the boys braved the elements and with raincoats on they headed off to fish around the bay.  They returned a few hours later empty handed.  Claudia and Pete enjoyed a peaceful afternoon playing games and then walked into town to check out 3D TV !! Claudia thought 3D TV was amazing.  I rested, read and waited patiently for the washing to dry!! 
With the long range weather forecast not looking good for us we made a decision tonight that we would head for home, taking the next 6 – 7 days to drive back.  This would give Pete time to fix the major issues in the caravan before the 22/8 – rego day.  I have at last accepted that positive thinking was not going to bring about sunny winter’s days and whilst the kids are happy to travel anywhere it really isn’t much fun being stuck in a car and caravan for days on end!!
Home, here we come, it seems almost surreal that we will be home within a week.  Hopefully the rotting step in the caravan will hold out and the plastic bag covering the broken window will remain waterproof….the poor caravan of peace, love and happiness is limping home!!  What and adventure this has been.

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