Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Day 47 09/05/2011 Katherine – Katherine Gorge

Day 47 09/05/2011 Katherine – Katherine Gorge
The day started just like any other, I was up early and off to the shops for the weekly grocery shop!! It is still as painful to do the groceries in a new town as it is at home L. Whilst I was gone Pete and the kids packed up the van, today we were off to Katherine Gorge for a few days. On the way through town we stopped at the local fishing shop and picked up a few lures that the sales man assured us barramundi would find too inviting to resist!!  We didn’t know any better so we handed over our cash and headed off happy.
The drive to Katherine Gorge caravan park was short and we got a really pleasant surprise when we arrived, they only charged for one child on top of the site charge, awesome!! And I had a pay two nights to get the third free voucher so we were very happy.  Once the kids explored the park and found the pool with a waterfall and a spa I started to wonder how I was ever going to get them to leave in a few days!!

Friendly local!!

Our second surprise came when we decided to book onto a cruise to check out some gorges tomorrow…..again they only charge for two adults and the first child, the other two – free. For those with children I really recommend staying here!! The third bonus is the incredibly friendly wildlife, as we settled into lunch a small wallaby and her very young baby (in pouch) headed over to check us out!! We made sure the kids did not feed her but they were very excited to see such a young joey up close.
After a well-earned swim we headed down to the jetty where we had been assured we could fish, barramundi legal size is 55cm so in some ways I was hoping we wouldn’t catch one!! Zac was the first to almost land a barra, I saw it coming up but just as he was about to pull it onto land, the fish got away.  After about 30mins I got my chance and unbelievably I landed my first barramundi!!  Zac and I decided that it was to small to keep, our guess was about 40cm so then of course Zac has to get the hook out of the fishes gill and then chuck it back into the water.  Those that know me well will also know that I don’t touch live fish, I love to fish but once I catch something Zac has to do the rest!! Lucky he loves every aspect of fishing.  It was just as Zac and I were giving each other the “high 5” and jumping around with joy we realised that we had thrown the fish back without getting a photo!! L!!  Unbelievable, at least I have Zac as my witness. We fished for a little longer until the heat got to us and we too headed to the pool for a swim.
Once again we were advised that we couldn’t swim in the Katherine River because of the flood waters as well as the risk of salt water crocodile’s.  When I enquired about how many “salties” they get down this way the ranger informed me they had relocated five since April 2010, the largest being 4.2m!! That’s a good enough reason for me to stay out of the river!! 
The kids crashed into bed tonight I think it is a combination of the really hot day, 35 degrees and the strenuous water activity all afternoon, we’re not complaining though.  A good day was had by all.

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