Saturday, 30 July 2011

Day 126 27/07/2011 Bunbury – Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park (Conto Campground) via Busselton Jetty

Day 126 27/07/2011 Bunbury – Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park (Conto Campground) via Busselton Jetty
We headed south just after breakfast, we had decided that we would spend a few days camped at Leeuwin Naturalise NP and then undertake day trips around Margaret River.  We did though, need to stop at Busselton on the way south so that we didn’t miss anything.
As we left Bunbury it was raining lightly but the further south we headed the heavier the rain got.  We arrived in Bussellton just before lunch and the rain had eased up, just enough for us to jump out of the car and walk the 1.8km jetty.  The Busselton Jetty is 145 years old and is the longest timber piled jetty in the Southern Hemisphere. 
At the end of the jetty there is an underwater observatory that descends 8 metres below the water’s surface and gives a great display of the colourful coral, sponge’s and different marine species that live around the jetty’s pylons’.  Unfortunately it wasn’t open today due to poor visibility.  I’m not surprised the walk down the jetty was quite strenuous due to the strong winds.  When we got to the end Claudia stated “if the observatory is not open why did we walk down here?” Unfortunately my answer for the “just for the  walk”  wasn’t good enough because she was looking at me like I’d lost the plot!!
Busselton is a pretty seaside town but we decided that we wouldn’t stay the night, in summer it would be a great place to stay and swim but with the rain again settling in we decided to continue on south as planned.
We arrived at Leeuwin Naturalise National Park (Conto Campground) just before dinner time and set up quickly. We had enjoyed the trip down travelling through the Margaret River area and glancing at the many wineries that dotted the road.  The area is beautiful, lush and very green. Unfortunately on the radio we  heard a severe weather warning for the South – West coast (where we were camped) the warning advised that severe winds were predicted overnight up to 120kms per hour!! We were to also expect strong wind and rain/storms for the next few days.
As we settled down to sleep we have battened down the hatches and are hoping that the predicted winds will not eventuate!!  Not sure the caravan of peace, love and happiness could withstand 120km winds!!

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