Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Day 113 14/07/2011 Sandy Cape Recreation Park.

Day 113 14/07/2011 Sandy Cape Recreation Park (near Jurien Bay).
We were supposed to leave today but when you wake up and the sky is blue and the sun is out it is just too hard to pack up and leave such a beautiful holiday spot.  Our decision not to leave also influenced our neighbours Emma and Howard, they too decided that it was just too nice a day to pack and travel.
Sunset at Sandy Cape Recreation Park

Therefore the kids spent the day once again playing in the sand dunes and generally running amok.  Pete and I went for a walk, at least then we could say we did ‘something’ for the rest of the day we either read or I did my long stitch.
I got a little energetic at sunset and walked up to the beach to catch the sun setting over the Indian Ocean!! It was again spectacular. According to the weather forecast we are expecting rain tomorrow, I tried unsuccessfully to convince Pete that we should stay at Sandy Cape until it rains, he explained that we needed to keep heading south so that sometime soon we would get home……I mumbled something about him being boring and that we could stay on the road forever……he mumbled something about jobs and work and a regular pay packet….boy he is a spoil sport!!

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